Here’s a quick guide of my picture galleries to help you navigate my website!
1, World Heritage Sites
Every monument, temple or other structure designated as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO can be found in this gallery. If the designation is for a group of monuments, each monument is featured separately.
2. Monuments
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 defines an "Ancient Monument" as follows:
Ancient Monument means any structure, erection or monument, or any tumulus or place of interment, or any cave, rock-sculpture, inscription or monolith which is of historical, archaeological or artistic interest and which has been in existence for not less than 100 years.
These monuments are now protected by the Government of India and they call it "Protected Monuments". Any such monument is featured here. If a temple is designated as “Protected Monument” and it is currently in worship it will feature under “Temples” gallery. Only when it is not in worship and it is a declared Ancient Monument will it feature here!
3. Temples
This is my area of special interest! Indian temple architecture has always fascinated me, especially the sculptures. I am of the firm opinion that the skill Indian sculptors have attained thousands of years back is unparalleled. The most important aspect of this is all these sculptors are anonymous, unlike for western sculptures, where we almost always know the name of the sculptor. Many of them are so intricate that it makes me wonder what instruments they would have used several centuries back!
4. Photos by subject
This section has photographs from various Indian temples featuring a variety of subjects like ‘women’, ’pillars’, ’ceilings’, etc.
5. Others
Any picture which does not fit into any of the aforementioned definitions falls into the category of “Others”.