The Belum Caves are near Belum Village in Kurnool District in the state of Andhra Pradesh, in India. They are geologically and historically important caves because there are indications that Jains and Buddhists monks occupied these caves centuries ago. Many Buddhists relics were found inside the caves. These relics are now housed in Museum at Ananthapur.
Archaeological survey of India (ASI) has found remnants of vessels of the pre-Buddhism era and dated the remnants of these objects to 4500 years BCE
There is a huge Buddha statue on a hillock near the caves. One of the caves here is known as the "Meditation Hall", which was used by Buddhist monks. Relics of the Buddhist period were found here. These relics are now housed in a museum in Ananthapur.
The serene 40-foot Buddha statue was built by the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) and it is a beautiful symbol of the role of the monks in the history of these caves.