Jainism is a religion which does not believe in a specific god. There are no gods or spiritual beings that will help human beings. The three guiding principles of Jainism, the 'three jewels', are right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct. The supreme principle of Jainism is nonviolence (in words, actions and deeds).
In the Jain tradition, there have been 24 Tirthankars during the current descending cycle of time, Bhagwan Rishabhdev being the first and Bhagwan Mahavir the last (24th). The Tirthankar is a detached individual who is the ultimate altruist and benefactor of not only mankind but every living being. Thus, there is not one all-powerful supreme being that controls all.
I have compiled photographs of Jain Tirthankars which I have shot in Shravanabela Gola, Badami caves, Rock cut Jain collosi at Gwalior, Hampi, Chennai Govt Museum, Chennai, British museum, London, Victoria & Albert museum, London and Art Institute Chicago in this gallery!
I would like to thank Dr Pravesh Kanthed, Indore and @truejainology who helped me in putting together this gallery!
Shravanbela Gola

Badami Caves, Badami

Rockcut Jain Colossi

British Museum, London

Tirthankara 200-300 AD

Tirthankara seated in Padmasana – Dhayanamudra

Rishabhanatha 1st Tirthankara

ChandraPrabhu 8th Tirthankara

Tirthankara 19th ctry

Tirthankara 13th ctry

Seated Jaina bronze 1181 Circa

Seated Jaina bronze 1181 Circa

Padmavathi Jaina protective deity

Standing Jaina Munisuvrata
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Jina Rishabhanatha

Parsvanatha, 23rd tirthankara

Seated Chandraprabha, the 18th tirthankara

Jain altarpiece

The 18th Tirthankara, Chandraprabha.
Chennai government museum, Chennai

Seated Tirthankara -Dhyanamudra 9th ctry AD

Standing Parsavanatha, the 23rd Tirthankara 11th ctry

Shantinatha, Mysore Region, Karnataka. 10th

Shantinatha, standing on lotus base 10th ctry

Mahavira TN, 10th

Parsvanatha, AP, 10th ctry

Mahavira, 12th ctry

Mahavira, NA Dt, 10th ctry

Mahavira, TN, 10th ctry

Parasvanatha, AP, 10th ctry

Adinishidhi Pillar, AP, 14th ctry

Bobi Chetty Nishidhi Pillar, AP, 14th ctry.

Honni Chetty Nishidhi Pillar, AP, 14th ctry.

Ajithanatha, KA, 12th ctry
Art Institute, Chicago

Tirthankara ChandraPrabhu standing Kayotsarga 12th ctry

Altarpiece 1st Tirthankara Rishabanatha

Altarpiece 1st Tirthankara Rishabanatha

Jaina tirthankara in meditation 15th ctry Gujarat

Tirthankara Parshvanata serpent hood

Tirthankara Parshvanata with serpent 6th ctry
Salar Jung Museum Hyderabad

Parshvanatha Jaipur, 19th ctry

Parshvanatha, Jaipur, 1490 AD
Hampi Karnataka