Mahakuteshwara temple, Mahakutta, KA
The village of Mahakutta is in Bagalkot District of Karnataka. There is a sixth century Shiva temple in this village. Its architecture is a hybrid of Dravidian and Nagara style and they also resemble northern and southern styles. Probably the architects of those times were experimenting on different styles.
The centre of this temple is a spring fed water tank called Vishnu Pushkarni. The outer walls of the temple bear a number of pieces of art executed by sculptors of the Early Chalukyan times. Noteworthy among them are Ardhanareershwara, Varaha rescuing Prithvi, Lakulisha propounder of Yoga system and a few guardian deities. There are also pierced windows characteristic of the Chalukyan temples.
This temple is under worship and Archaeological Survey of India takes care of it.