Sun temple - Konark
The most notable marvel of Oriyan art is the Sun Temple. It was built by the king Narasimhadeva-I for the Sun God during 1250 CE. The entire complex is designed in the form of a huge chariot drawn by seven spirited horses on twelve pairs exquisitely carved wheels. It is said that the first ray of the Sun falls on this temple when it rises in the morning. The walls of the temple contain superb carvings of divine, semi divine, human and animal figures amidst floral and geometric ornamentation. The vivacious Kanyas and danseuses are remarkable for their sensuous modelling, pulsating with human emotions which are absorbed in a variety of gestures and rhythmic actions. Such sculptures render the Oriyan temple a class unto themselves. This temple has been inscribed upon the World Heritage List of the convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Inscription on this list confirms the exceptional universal value of a cultural and natural site which deserves protection for the benefit of all humanity. Sun Temple is in Konark village which is around 40 KMs from the capitol city of Bhubaneswar of the state of Orissa.