Vedagiriswarar Temple, Chennai
Vedagiriswarar Temple is in Thirukazhukundram which is 70 km from Chennai and 15 km from the famous tourist town Mahabalipuram.
Vedagiriswarar temple complex consists of two structures, one at the foot-hill and the other at the top-hill. The one at the foot hill is a larger complex than the one at the hilltop!
The temple at the hilltop houses the deity of Shiva, known as Vedagiriswarar. The temple at the foothills is dedicated to his consort Parvati, known as Thiripurasundari Amman. The temple at the foothills has four towers – gopurams!
It is one of the shrines of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams. The four Nayanmars, Appar, Sundarar, Manickavasagar and Thirugnanasamandhar visited the temple complex and composed hymns in praise of Vedagiriswarar.
This temple is particularly known for its sculptures!